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Successful Architectural Designs for Commercial Buildings – How to Make Them and Which are the Best Ones?


It can be quite surprising to know that the future of a commercial building – how well it flares and how unique it looks – actually depends upon its architecture to a very great extent. Nevertheless, people still end up being careless when it comes to choosing an architect to get commercial buildings designed. This negligence can actually cost you a lot in terms of productivity, safety, and uniqueness in the longer run. The entire look, aura, and practicality of any commercial building, thus, depends upon how well an architect can design it on paper. 

An exceptional and experienced architect will, thus, never overlook any of the following factors when preparing the blueprint of a building. 

  • The height and other dimensions of the structure to be built depending upon how big the construction area is. 
  • The outside structure and unique design that can become the USP of the building. 
  • The strength of the base that will be responsible for actually supporting and holding the hefty structure so that the building doesn’t collapses under its own weight. 
  • Designing the building to be super spacious so that it can easily create enough room to accommodate more and more machinery if you ever plan to expand your business. 

Ergo, architects pay special attention to ventilation. Deescalated ventilation is one of the main reasons that officials actually reject commercial designs, citing safety concerns. Hence, an experienced architect will always prepare a blueprint that will concentrate on making the structure as airy as it’s practically possible. 

Some such creative and practically astounding commercial buildings designed by Stendel Reich architecte centre de distribution center – one of the biggest architectural firms in Canada – that’ll give you major construction goals include the following commercial buildings. 

  • Distribution Centers – Shoppers drug mart in Ontario and SF marketing in Quebec. 
  • High-tech factories – Busch in Ontario, Pfizer Brandon pharma center in Manitoba, and Nortel Epi in Ontario. 
  • Office Buildings – 7101 Ave. Of the park in Montreal and 4625 Cote Vertu in Quebec. 
  • Shopping Centers – Harden in Quebec and Ontario and Smart centers in Quebec. 
  • Public Buildings – Yaldei Therapy and development center in Montreal and Well-being medical clinic in St-Léonard – Quebec.
  • Retail Stores – Sportium in Kirkland – Quebec and Provigo in Quebec.

These are some of the best city attraction commercial buildings that are the few best planned structures in Canada – the kinds that you should be targeting too. 

By the by, some of the common features that these buildings share – the ones that make them the most elite buildings – are listed below. 

  • They’re all designed by a single architectural firm that has been in business since 1985.
  • They all were constructed after the architects got the designs pre-approved by the government. 
  • They are all properly ventilated buildings that are strong and spacious enough to accommodate all kinds of technology extensions. 

To sum up, the future of a commercial building, thus, depends upon the architect working on the blueprint. So, be very mindful of the reputation of the firm you hire for your project.