Home Home Design Reversible Air Conditioner: What You Need To Know

Reversible Air Conditioner: What You Need To Know


Unlike conventional air conditioning models, the reversible air conditioner can produce heat and cold depending on the operating setting. It is a delicate device that needs to be properly installed and maintained according to the rules of the art for better comfort. In this article, we will come back to everything there is to know about this 2-in-1 device. We will focus on how it works, how to install it, how to maintain it, its advantages and disadvantages, and above all, on the prices and major manufacturers.

How Does A Reversible Air Conditioner Work?

The operation of reversible air conditioning is the easiest. It is an air-to-air heat pump. Nevertheless, you should know that it adapts according to the seasons. The performance of this type of device is mainly related to your home’s insulation. The better your home is insulated, the better it is to enjoy the cooling performance of your air-to-air heat pump, regardless of the season.

Its Operation During The Summer

It’s obvious in summer; your air conditioning device like air conditioning orpington for example can only work in fresh air mode, which seems simple and effective. If you pay close attention, you will see that your air conditioning has 2 outdoor and indoor units. There is a refrigerant that ensures their connection. The latter, coupled with a compressor, is responsible for transporting coolness or heat.

The indoor unit will diffuse the cold in the house, while the external module will reject the heat inside the house. This action is effective since it allows the room temperature to be regulated. A reversible air conditioner works automatically, it can be handled manually using a remote control, but you can also adjust it remotely.

Its Operation During The Winter

In winter, the cooling mode gives way to the heating mode; you will notice that it is the opposite during the summer. Here, the outdoor unit will capture the calories in the air that it will use to diffuse the heat in the room. In reality, the module in the form of a console placed inside is responsible for heating the housing. The device does not need to integrate a radiator to spread the heat in the house.

You may face very harsh weather conditions, which will affect the COP of the air conditioning. And almost automatically, an electrical resistance will follow, and the electrical consumption could increase tenfold. If you are in an area where it is excessively cold, it is essential to equip yourself with a suitable device.