Home HVAC Contractor 5 Reasons Your Furnace is Blowing Cold Air & Ways to Fix

5 Reasons Your Furnace is Blowing Cold Air & Ways to Fix

Blowing Cold Air

It’s the middle of winter, and you’re all snuggled up in your bed when suddenly you hear a loud noise coming from your furnace. You get out of bed to investigate and realize that the furnace is blowing cold air! It can be a really frustrating experience, especially during the winter months. In this article, we will discuss five reasons why your furnace might be blowing cold air, as well as ways to fix it.

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Furnace is Blowing Cold Air

1. The Furnace Filter is Clogged

One of the most common reasons for a furnace to blow cold air is because the filter is clogged. It can happen when the furnace isn’t used often or when there is a lot of dust and debris in the air. If you think this might be the problem, try replacing the furnace filter.

2. The Furnace Igniter is Bad

Another common reason for a furnace to blow cold air is because the igniter is bad. When the igniter isn’t working properly, it can cause the furnace to not heat up properly, which will result in cold air being blown into the home. If you think this might be the problem, try replacing the igniter.

3. The Furnace Thermostat is Set Incorrectly

If the furnace thermostat is set too low, it can cause the furnace to blow cold air. This is because the furnace will not be able to generate enough heat to warm up the home. If you think this might be the problem, try adjusting the thermostat to a higher setting.

4. The Furnace is Dirty

If the furnace is dirty, it can cause the furnace to not work properly and blow cold air. When the furnace is dirty, the heat can’t escape properly and will be trapped inside. If you think this might be the problem, try cleaning the furnace.

5. The Furnace is Overheating

If the furnace is overheating, it can cause the furnace to shut off and blow cold air. It is because when the furnace overheats, it will turn off to prevent damage. If you think this might be the problem, try turning on the furnace fan to help cool it down.

Other Ways to Fix a Furnace That Blows Cold Air

If you are experiencing problems with your furnace blowing cold air, there are several things that you can do to try and fix it. One of the easiest ways to fix a furnace that is blowing cold air is to replace the filter. A clogged filter can cause the furnace to not work properly and blow cold air. If you think this might be the problem, try replacing the furnace filter. Meanwhile, you may even check how much does furnace blower motor replacement costs because a blower motor may also be the problem.

If you are having trouble fixing the furnace yourself, it might be a good idea to hire a professional for heating maintenance in Elmhurst. A professional can help identify the problem and fix it quickly and efficiently.

To Conclude

With the help of the tips mentioned above, you should be able to fix the furnace when it is blowing cold air. If you are still experiencing problems, or if you are not comfortable fixing the furnace yourself, it might be a good idea to hire a professional for heating maintenance burlington ky.